The comprehensive approach to reproductive health demands increased awareness on methods of family planning, maternal health, neonatal morbidity and a growing burden of reproductive ill health resulting from reproductive tract cancers, concerns of reproductive organs, sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS, infertility and the adverse effect on gender based violence. In order to provide a common Scientific Platform for all these specialties and for the common cause of promoting Reproductive Health Research, The Indian Society for the Study of Reproduction and Fertility (ISSRF) was formed and registered in 1988. Over the years, the mandate of the Society has broadened and includes various multidisciplinary components of reproductive health.
1.To provide a forum for the discussion of Scientific, Clinical, Social and Veterinary knowledge on all aspects of Human and Animal Reproduction.
2.To facilitate exchange of knowledge and ideas in the area of reproduction through Seminars, Workshops, Conferences and Meetings held from time to time.
3.To promote the growth of the discipline of Reproductive Biology and Reproductive Medical Care.
One of the most regular activities of the Society has been its annual meetings wherein the scientists belonging to the broad area of reproductive health gather to discuss newer developments in the area. To date more than fifty-six national and international conferences have been organized and the proceedings of most of them have been published. Young scientists are particularly encouraged to participate in the meetings by way of financial support, holding special sessions and presenting awards for the best presentations.
On the recommendations of the General Body/Executive Committee, the Society has instituted following awards:
(i) Founder President Dr. T. C. Anand Kumar Memorial Oration, (ii) Founder President Dr. T. C. Anand Kumar Young Scientist Awards, (iii) Prof. G. P. Talwar Gold Medal Award, (iv) Prof. G. P. Talwar Young Scientist Awards, (v) Prof. L. S. Ramaswami Memorial Oration, (vi) Prof. N. R. Moudgal Memorial Oration, (vii) Prof. N. R. Moudgal Young Scientist Awards, (viii) Dr. (Mrs.) Mridula Kamboj Memorial Oration, (ix) Dr. (Mrs.) Mridula Kamboj Young Scientist Awards, (x) Prof. S. S. Guraya Memorial Oration, (xi) Prof. S. S. Guraya Young Scientist Awards and (xii) Lifetime Achievement Award for outstanding research contributions on different aspects of Reproductive Health.
These awards are given at the Annual meetings of the Society.
The other initiative of the Society has been the publication of its biannual Newsletter, ISSRF Newsletter (ISSN: 2395-2806), to disseminate information on reproductive health and also facilitate inter- personal communication between the members. The Society has published 27 issues of the newsletter on various priority areas of reproductive health. The ISSRF has also been regularly organizing national workshops on reproductive health awareness, particularly for adolescent senior school students, as its mid-term activity. The scientific information about the physical, psychological and social changes that take place from childhood to adolescence and adulthood has become increasingly important in view of adverse effects due to changing environment & lifestyle related to occupational requirements.
The Journal of Reproductive Healthcare and Medicine (JRHM) (ISSN (Print):2768-1106; (Online): 2768-1114) is an official publication of ISSRF, published by the Scientific Scholar LLC, USA. JRHM is an open access journal and can be accessed online (https://jrhm.org/).
Facilities to Members
Founder and Life members of the Society will have the right to (i) participate in the scientific and business meetings of the Society, (ii) seek sponsorship to participate in International meetings related to Reproductive Health and apply for financial assistance from the Society, (iii) contest any of the Executive Committee posts and (iv) receive free of charge circulars, newsletters, notifications etc. which will be issued by the Society from time to time. Periodicals or proceedings of the meetings published by the Society would be provided either free of cost or at a subsidized rates, to be determined from time to time.
As on today the strength of the Society has grown to 1752 life members.
The Society is represented by scientists from 43 Medical Colleges, 65 Universities, 104 Hospitals, 51 Institutes, 52 Colleges, 134 Nursing Home/Clinics/Research Centres/Diagnostic Labs/Pharmaceutical Companies and 10 Funding Agencies.
Invitation to Join the Society
You may down-load the membership form and complete required formalities to join the Society.