
Rules and Regulation of the Society


1.      Name

 The name of the Society will be Indian Society for the Study of Reproduction and Fertility (ISSRF). The word Society mentioned hereafter will mean the Indian Society for the Study of Reproduction and Fertility (ISSRF).

 2.      Location

 The registered office of the Society is located at the Centre for Advanced Studies, Department of Zoology, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur - 302004 but can be shifted to any other place with the approval of the General Body.

 3.      General Body

 The General Body of the Society will consist of Founder members and Life members.  Founder and Life members will have the right to vote.

 4.      Executive Committee

The Executive Committee will be elected by the General Body at its Annual General Body Meeting or by way of postal ballots. The Executive Committee would consist of:

 President                    One post

Vice-President             Two posts

Secretary                    One post

Treasurer                    One post

Executive Members     Eight posts

For scientific disciplines which are not appropriately represented in the Executive Committee additional members may be co-opted from various fields like veterinary sciences, epidemiology and their duration will be same as other members of the Society.

5.      Term of Executive Committee/Office Bearers

The term of all office bearers would be for a period of three years.  Office bearers may seek re-election for subsequent terms.  The casual vacancies, however, may be filled up by the Executive Committee.  Any member elected by the Executive Committee to fill a casual vacancy shall hold office till that (regular) member takes his/her chair.  For purposes of counting the duration of an office bearer, the date of election of Executive Committee or by ballot by the General Body will be taken into consideration.

6.      Powers of the Executive Committee

The Executive Committee will work and have full powers and authority to do all acts, matters, things and deeds which may be necessary of expedients for the purpose of Society’s name and in particular of the following:

 6.1       To look after, manage and supervise the management of the Society and its property and spend money required for that purpose.

 6.2       To appoint such staff as may be necessary and to fix their emoluments, duties, terms and conditions of their service and terminate their service.

 6.3       To decide membership matters such as termination, acceptance of resignation and readmission etc. 

 6.4       To fix date, time and place of meeting of the Executive Committee members and General Body meeting.

6.5        To approach the municipality, State Government or any other competent authority for any lawful activity.

6.6        To undertake such lawful activities as per incidental or conductive to the attainment of the aims and objectives of the Society.

6.7        To pay, sell, hire or deal with the property of the Society in the manner that enables the smooth and efficient functioning of the Society.

6.8        To handle money transactions through savings bank accounts, deposits and investments in saving schemes of Government of India.

6.9        To enter into contracts or legal proceedings on behalf of the Society.

6.10       To appoint legal advisor, auditor and determine their remunerations.

7.      Accreditation Committee

Accreditation Committee would evaluate the curriculum vitae of all those who would apply for Life Membership to the Society.  The Accreditation Committee would comprise of three members.  The President of the Society will be its Chairman and the other two members would be nominated by the Executive Committee members. The nominated members would be from within the Life members of the Society. The Accreditation Committee would send its recommendations to the Executive Committee which would implement the decision of the Accreditation Committee. Each Accreditation Committee would function for a period of one year.

 8.      Procedure for Convening the Meetings

 8.1  The Executive Committee meeting of the Society should be convened at least once in 4 months by the Secretary with the consent of the President. The Secretary shall also convene a meeting of the Executive Committee upon the written request signed by at least five members of the Executive Committee. At least two weeks notice of the meeting shall be given by the Secretary to the members of the Executive Committee unless all members of the Executive Committee agree to dispense with the time for notice.  The meeting will be held at such a place and time as decided by the President in consultation with other members.

8.2      At least three weeks notice shall be given to all members prior to convening of the General Body Meeting.

8.3     Extraordinary meeting may be called by the President/Secretary by    himself/herself or at the written request of at least five executive members.  At least 7 days time would be given to the members to attend such extra ordinary meeting.  The meeting notice should also contain the specific purposes for which it has been called for.

9.      Quorum for the Executive Committee Meeting

Five members of the Executive Committee shall form the minimum quorum. If meeting is adjourned for want of quorum, it shall be held an hour later at the same place and members present shall form the quorum.  But no business other than that is specified in the notice shall be transacted in such meeting.

10.  Minutes of the Meetings

 The Executive Committee shall have to maintain book which shall contain the copies of each notice convening the meeting of the Executive Committee and General Body Meeting and of each circular in which the decision has been arrived at by the Executive Committee. Minutes shall be read over in the next meeting of the Executive Committee as the case may be and confirmed at the meeting.

11.  Powers and Function of the Office Bearers

The conducting of the affairs and business of the Society, including its future activities, will be determined by General Body and implemented by the Executive Committee. The Secretary assisted by the Treasurer will be in-charge of the day to day affairs of the Society.

 11.1          President: The President will be the head of the Society. All other Executive members will work under the authority of the President. He/She will preside over all the meetings of the Society. If he/she is unable to preside any meeting he/she will nominate the Vice-President to act on his/her behalf. Such a nominee of the President will exercise all the powers vested in the President.  The President has to sign all the proceedings of the meetings, declarations and notifications, etc.

11.1.1    The President shall deliver the Annual Presidential Address of the Society at its Annual Scientific Meeting.

11.2      Vice President: The Vice-President will assist the President in the Execution of his/her duties and powers.  In the absence of the President, the Vice-President will perform the duties of the President.

11.3          Secretary: Will be responsible for carrying out the directives and decisions of the Executive Committee.

11.3.1    Shall convene meetings of the Executive Committee whenever necessary or called upon to do so.

11.3.2    Carry out all correspondence on behalf of the Society.

11.3.3    Keep accurate minutes of the meetings of the Society.

11.3.4    Prepare the Annual Report of the Society.

11.3.5    Be in charge of all assets of the Society.

11.3.6    Collect all dues of the Society and pay all such amount into the banking account of the Society, and inform the Treasurer once in every month of the amount so paid.

11.3.7   Make disbursements and maintain vouchers in consultation with the Treasurer. All expenditures must have the prior approval of the Executive Committee.

11.4    Treasurer: The Treasurer shall accurately maintain the accounts of the Society and shall submit the accounts to the General Body every year. The Treasurer will assist the secretary in implementing the affairs of the Society as determined by the General Body.

 12.  General Body Meeting

 12.1   The General Body Meeting of the Society would be held once a year at the place of the Annual Scientific meeting of the Society.

 12.2   The quorum of the General Body Meeting shall be one third of the total members present at the time of the meeting whose names are on the record of the Society.  Any meeting adjourned for want of quorum shall be convened an hour later at the same place and members present shall form the quorum, but no business other than specified in the notice shall be transacted at such meeting.

 13.  Business of the Annual General Body Meeting

 13.1          To confirm the minutes of the previous Annual General Body meeting.

 13.2          To adopt the previous year’s Report’s and Audited Statement of Accounts.

 13.3          To consider any matter, notice of which has been given two weeks prior to the General Body meeting.

 13.4          Budget for the subsequent year by the Treasurer.

 13.5          Conducting of election where necessary and announcement of the names of the elected members.

 13.6          Approval of amendments etc. to the constitution.

 13.7          Any other item to be brought to the notice of the President and Secretary at least 7 days in advance.

 13.8          Extraordinary General Body Meeting and Executive Committee meetings.

 14.  Election

 The election of the Executive Committee shall take place either at the time of General Body Meeting or by way of postal ballots.

 15.  Annual Conference

 The Scientific conference of the Society shall be held once in a year.  The venue and tentative dates of the conference shall be usually decided at the General Body Meeting of the Society.  The place and dates will be finalized following approval of the Executive committee.

 The Organizing Secretary of the annual conference will decide about the theme and scientific programme of the conference.  However, prior approval of the Executive committee members will be required, before finalizing the programme. Initial seed money will be provided by the Society. However, the Organizing Secretary will refund the seed money at earliest.  Twenty percent of the registration fee collected during the Conference will be given to the Society. The Organizing Secretary will also provide audited statements of accounts certified by a Chartered Accountant after the conference.

 16.  Financial year

 The financial year of the Society shall be from 1st April to 31st March of every year.

 17.  Funds of the Society

 The funds of Society shall be kept in a single bank account and be under the control of Executive Committee who shall have the powers to decide their expenditure towards the promotion of objectives of the Society. The bank account shall be jointly operated by the Secretary and the Treasurer or as decided and directed by the Executive Committee.

 18.  Auditing of Income and Expenditure

 The accounts of Society shall be audited once in each year by a Chartered Accountant, certified and authenticated by the Secretary, Treasurer and the President.

 19.  Responsibility of Legal Action by or for the Society

 Any legal action by the Society or for the Society shall be handled by the Secretary on the advice of the Executive Committee which shall be responsible for such action.

 20.  Amendment in the Rules and Regulations

 These rules shall be amended, altered or replaced at any time by a majority of the 3/5th of the Members on Record of the Indian Society for the Study of Reproduction and Fertility present at a General Body Meeting specially called. Seven days previous intimation in writing of such amendment shall be given to the all members.

 If a change is desired in the name of the Society, objectives of the Society or if two or more Societies are to be amalgamated procedures laid down in Section 12 or 12-A of the Society Registration Act, 1960 will be followed.

 21.  Dissolution of the Society

 Any member not less than 3/5th of the total number on record of the Society, present at such meeting conveyed, for the purpose may determine that Indian Society for the Study of Reproduction and Fertility shall be dissolved whether forthwith or any future time that is agreed upon as provided in Section 13 and 14of the Societies Registration Act 1960.